Our 4th-6th Graders are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring, and we need your help!
February 4th is Super Bowl Sunday, the nation's second-most food consuming 'holiday' after Thanksgiving. Regardless of whether or not you love football, this is an excellent day to remember those who are hungry! Help us support those in need by bringing non-perishable food items or cash donations to Mass on Super Bowl weekend. All donations will go to Family Promise of Spokane.
As part of their participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring, our 4th-6th graders will be going to the Family Promise Open Doors Shelter on Sunday, February 4th between the Masses. Parents, please return permission slips to Ivana Mullner as soon as possible. If you would like to participate in the field trip as a chaperone, please contact Ivana at (509) 747-7972 or [email protected].