In Baptism we receive new life in Christ. Baptism takes away original sin and gives us a new birth in the Holy Spirit. Its sign is the pouring of water.
Congratulations on the life of your child! Children by their very presence proclaim the gospel of Christ. They call parents and the whole community to selfless love and joy. Thank you for responding to God's call to raise your child in your family's love.
In Baptism, the first sacrament, we are welcomed into the Church, the family of God. In our Baptism, God welcomes us as His children, much like he called Jesus his "beloved son" at His own Baptism (Matt 3:17). After being washed in the waters of Baptism, we are raised to new life in Christ. Parents wishing to bring their child (under the age of seven) to the sacrament of Baptism should contact the parish office at (509)747-4421 to begin the process to prepare for the celebration.
It is expected that parents seeking Baptism for their child are registered and have been active in the parish for at least a year, be a regular contributor to the parish (through volunteering or financially), and be taking part in the liturgical life of the Church - which includes attendance at Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation.
Parishioners in need of a "Letter of Good Standing" to become a godparent should contact the parish office. For you to receive a letter from St. Augustine Parish, you must be registered and active in the parish for at least six months, be a regular contributor financially to the parish, and you must be taking part in the liturgical life of the Church - which includes attendance at Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation.